Inner Harmony Yoga

Description of yoga video

What you achieve in your life has an effect on everything that you do. Inner harmony is a precious asset, and this sequence will guide you to it. In this video we will show you six exercises to help you ground yourself and restore your inner harmony.



Yogi Tea made this video to complement…

Inner Harmony, the tea for everyone seeking calmness. What you achieve in your life has an effect on everything that you do. Inner harmony is a precious asset, and this sequence will guide you to it. The journey begins with a moment of reflection, during which lemon balm, lavender blossom and cinnamon give you a generous helping of calm. Once you have found your path to inner harmony, you can share it with others.



Which yoga poses to expect in this video

  • Downward facing dog / Adho Mukha Svanasana
  • Standing Forwardfold / Uttanasana
  • Pyramid Pose / Parsvottanasana
  • Twisted Seat / Marichyasana
  • Shoulderstand / Sarvangasana




This yoga sequence is suitable for all levels. 




Working with standing poses helps us to ground ourselves, as a strong connection from your feet to the floor creates stability and builds trust. After this well-rounded practice of forward bends, powerful standing poses, twists and inversions, you will feel well-balanced and at peace.


Please ask your doctor if these exercises are suitable for you.